The Power of Walkability

Today we're sharing an announcement from our friends at America Walks.

We at America Walks share Strong Towns’ commitment to creating communities in which the transportation system serves as a conduit for resilience and prosperity, not just moving cars as quickly as possible. One that fosters economic growth and access, regardless of one’s bank balance, age, race or access to an automobile. One that creates opportunities for chance encounters instead of killing spontaneity with rigid series of off ramps and monotonous miles of concrete and asphalt. And one in which people and safety are prioritized over number of cars moved and other outdated levels of service.

Strong Towns members know all-too-well that our streets are the building blocks of our communities, and that the types of streets that we build have a profound influence over the types of places that we create. Our roads have tremendous power to shape communities that are economically-thriving, healthy, and engaged, or on the contrary, cruel, dangerous, and perpetuating vast inequities. They help to determine whether our neighborhoods are places people seek out and enjoy or places that people can’t wait to escape.

Given our shared commitment to building stronger streets and vibrant communities, America Walks is excited to invite Strong Towns members to join us next year in St. Paul, Minnesota September 13th-15th for the 2017 National Walking Summit, a premier national event focusing on walking and walkable communities. The conference will attract experts and community members interested in planning, public health, engineering, transportation, real estate, education and more sharing new research, innovative practices and other findings. Together, we can shake the transportation status quo of the past several decades and create communities designed with people first.

The theme of the Summit is “Vital and Vibrant Communities: The Power of Walkabilty,” and the focus will be how walking and walkability can give rise to engaged, economically-thriving and inclusive communities. We hope many of you will attend the conference and that you’ll consider taking an active role by presenting on the great work that you’re doing in your town to #Slowthecars and get America walking again.

America Walks is currently seeking proposals from those interested in presenting at the Summit on projects, programs or studies related to walking and walkability.

You’ll find the submissions form here. For more information on Summit proposals, email Kristen Henry at Applications are due by December 15th. Applicants will be notified on the status of their submissions by March 1, 2017.

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Heidi Simon