Fighting the Highway in Your Backyard


“A city is only as strong as its weakest neighborhood.” These words form a core tenet for Allendale Strong, a “learning and doing community” in Shreveport, Louisiana, which mobilized in opposition to the highway that has haunted its neighborhood for years. Now, nearly a decade after it was founded by Dorothy Wiley, the freeway fighters of Allendale Strong have banded together with peer groups across the state of Louisiana to challenge the current development pattern. Welcome to the 4 Corners Coalition.

Strong Towns is honored to welcome two of its members—Amy Stelly and Danielle Richard—to the Strong Towns National Gathering (May 30–31) in Charlotte, North Carolina!

Learn from advocates on the front lines taking on the powerful network of highway-building interests in a panel discussion moderated by Strong Towns Staff Writer Asia Mieleszko. It’s time to meet your movement.

Interested in learning how advocates from New Orleans to Shreveport have been fighting to build a stronger Louisiana? Check out:

Advocates Across The State Convene to Un-stroad Louisiana

Our profile on the 4 Corners Coalition and their mission to “un-stroad” Louisiana. 

The Bottom-Up Revolution Is...Campaigning to Get Rid of an Urban Highway

On this episode of The Bottom-Up Revolution podcast, Strong Towns Program Director and podcast host Rachel Quednau catches up with urban planner, freeway fighter, and artist Amy Stelly.

Luke Crosswalker: Tactical Urbanist

Danielle Richard’s account of Luke Crosswalker, a mascot of traffic calming that made her street safer.

Shreveport's Highway Emperors’ New Clothes

Kim Mitchell’s salient history of Shreveport’s development.