The Bottom-Up Revolution is... Moving Past the Two-Party System


This episode of The Bottom-Up Revolution Podcast features Dan Sally, a guy with his own podcast called You Don’t Have to Yell.

Sally isn’t someone who fits neatly into a Democrat or Republican box and he’s found himself really frustrated with those boxes in the first place.  His show brings on guests to talk about electoral reform—how we break out of this two-party system and build a democracy that truly listens to what people want.  So much of that work starts at the local level. Since Sally and Bottom-Up Revolution host, Rachel Quednau, both live in Massachusetts, they got the chance to talk a little bit about some local electoral issues in this episode, including a recent ballot measure on ranked choice voting.  

We hope as you listen to this show, you’ll start thinking about how your state and local elections could grow to be more just and democratic. Sally gives some great advice for how to get started.  

As a side note, we’re blown away that Sally finds time to do his podcast and work a full time job and be a dad to four kids, as well as a foster parent.  Plus he’s a former standup comedian! Like many of guests on previous episodes, we see Sally taking a skill and passion of his—public speaking, entertainment, engaging audiences—and turning it towards an important issue he cares about to benefit his community and make his place more resilient.

Additional Show Notes